Sunday, October 13, 2013


September 2, 2013

We awoke today and had our usual Mediterranean breakfast of yogurt, bread or pastry and cheese.  We left the apartment and headed back to the Old City.  We arrived at the Old City and opted to take a ride on the tram up to a great vantage point on a mountain above Dubrovnik,  The view was incredible!!

There was a small museum commemorating the war and lots of great views.  There was a small restaurant and a gift shop at the summit.  We took the tram back down and walked to the Old City.

The Old City is magnificent.  There are shops, cafes and restaurants everywhere.  We climbed several sets of steps to a level about halfway to the top.  We wandered around sightseeing and looking for a place called the Booza Bar.  We found it and there were people jumping off of a cliff at the bar into the Adriatic.  We left there and looked for a place to have lunch.  We found a nice restaurant adjacent to a church.  While we were having lunch we noticed that a wedding was taking place.

After lunch we descended to the lowest level to start the climb to the top of the wall.  We had to purchase tickets to do so.  After purchasing the tickets, we started our ascent to the top of the wall.  It was quite a climb! 

We began the walk of the wall  with rest stops and photo stops along the way.  You could see for miles into the Adriatic and the view down into the city was incredible.

We walked further around the wall and we stopped at juice bar where we had a break and had a juice.  While there we met a couple and talked for a while and then we all departed to further walk the wall.  Our walk was shortened due to time.  We descended and caught the bus back to our area where we found a sandwich shop and had our dinner meal.  We returned to the apartment and packed to caatch the bus back to Split in the morning.   What a day!!!

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